bingo beer co.
graphic designer & illustrator
a series of print and packaging designs for bingo beer co.
this project features a collection of custom designs—a menu, a kids menu, burger parchment paper, and drinkware. this ongoing project also required can art designs for bingo beer co.’s bottled beers (sold in stores near you!), as well as sell sheets, posters, and apparel designs.
as the sole illustrator working on the burger parchment paper for the company, i illustrated all of the food elements by hand, making sure the illustration style felt consistent. this was a challenge at times, as each element required different levels of detail in order to make the food recognizable, but still maintained the same level of playfulness and flow. i also was the sole illustrator and designer on the kids menu—working to create a menu that felt more youthful and playful than most menus. the goal of this piece is to serve as both a menu and way to occupy kids’ minds, so the design features tic-tac-toe games, a maze, food and misc. objects that can be colored, and other fun kid-friendly games. the company’s main menu design was created by another designer and i collectively. besides creating the illustrations, my main focus on this menu was the typography and overall grid system. i worked to ensure all the menu options would fit on the page and worked to create the final page layouts. the biggest challenge with the layout design was creating a balance of imagery, negative space, and text since the company offers an array of menu items.
several months later, i designed a series of drinkware for bingo beer co., which are used throughout their restaurant. the first glass i illustrated was a food illustration with bingo beer co.’s logo and icon throughout. i originally designed this (now) iconic bingo beer co. pattern for their burger parchment paper, which can also be found at their restaurant. the second drinkware is a cup that features bingo beer co.’s original to-go beer can design—bingo lager. and the final drinkware was created based around the idea of celebration. with that being said, the glass features the bingo beer co. logo front and center, with the word “cheers” surrounding the icon in a multitude of languages from around the world. it was important to me that the design feel celebratory, bold inclusive, and inviting. i wanted the design to be as if good news and happiness were bursting like fireworks around the glass.
the work included: graphic design, illustration, print design, packaging design, & final mock-ups
note: this project was produced at karnes coffey design, and is the sole property of karnes coffey design.