hi-impact changing picture mailer

graphic designer

an interactive direct mailer that changes imagery when tab is pulled, revealing homes.com’s increasing success.

this direct mailer is a part of a larger, more extensive campaign known as the hi-impact campaign that was launched in october 2023. this campaign consists of 10 direct mailers that were sent out to agents over the course of several weeks. these direct mailers were not just ordinary sheets of paper or postcards; they were bold, well thought-out concepts, such as a balloon box, a snack box, a 5ft. press release, interactive growth charts, a lenticular, and so on.

the idea for this direct mailer arose after homes.com reached a milestone of 100 million unique visitors in a month. we wanted to showcase the growth chart for both homes.com and its competitor’s unique visitors for november 2022 and september 2023—essentially a before and after of their results. this mailer works by changing the imagery by pulling the tab on the right side, which is perfect for comparing two sets of data like this piece does. it also further emphasizes the growth that homes.com has had over the last (nearly) year. one of the great pleasures of this project was getting to work with the suppliers and learning how this piece works in a technical sense.

the work included: graphic design, print design, & final mock-ups

note: this project was produced at homes.com, and is the sole property of homes.com.