
graphic designer

the ultimate 500-page book based on one single word: high.

i was given this assignment with one singular goal in mind: create a 500-page publication based on one word, which was chosen at random. the word i was given was “high”. it could be used as a noun, a verb, a psychological state, a distance, a story, or simply a concept.

the most challenging aspect of this project was the overall direction—the word i was given has many definitions, many perspectives, and endless opportunities. the project had many stages which helped to make the process more digestable and my actions more intentional. ultimately, i created a story of a small town that lived on the top of the mountain. the community received weekly shots in order to live high in the sky without side effects. meanwhile, a small community lived at the bottom of the mountain, outcasted from the main society. these individuals were outcasted for various reasons—being ‘different’ than the others, not wanting to take the weekly shots, for being rebellious, for not living up the community’s expectations, and so on. this publication goes on to tell the story of two young lovers who leave the ‘high’ community and escape to the low ground. the publication focuses on typography and language, color, material and textures, and hierarchy.

the work included: content writing, graphic design, publication design & production